Do as Shakespeare did
There have been many times in history where life has been brought to a grinding halt. Shakespeare, for example, wrote through two plagues while The Round temporarily closed. Although we live in different times, one thing is constant: even the greatest of civilizations gets checked.
Like Shakespeare, it's important to use this time keep calm and carry on. It's also a time to regroup and come back stronger.

Have a plan
Assess your company's purpose, update as needed, then build a communications plan around it. The plan alone will give you valuable feedback and insight, and could even create new market paths or avoid headaches. Follow your plan and talk with your target audience (staff, customers, prospects, third party partners) about how your business can help them at this time, and in the years to come. Maybe it will be in a different form, but regardless, be prepared. Communications is an important part of success. It's the means for connecting with your target audience, and the feedback helps to shape your business and future programs. To go without, is like being in a forest with no provisions. Sure, you can get by, but why do that when you can thrive?
Sustainable options
Also, in this time of regrouping, if you don't already have sustainable options in your portfolio, consider adding them. The issue of climate change and sustainability is in everyone's news feed. The steps you take now to be proactive with sustainable options will pay dividends in the future. So, do today as Shakespeare did in the 1600s: carry on producing fine product. Offer help where help is needed —because it is needed. Boost your communications to reassure your target audience that we will overcome today's malady — because we will — and before you know it, we'll all be sharing stories about how we came out even stronger. Good luck to all. — The ACE team